Friday, January 10, 2014



Wow. When I picked this up at the library the cover and everything told me it would be a good read, but considering the last two books that I had read I didn't get my hopes up,but ended taking it home anyway...THANK LORD BABY JESUS I DID.

The entire premise of the book was just phenomenal because of how the author took the "clone" theme and turned it into one person so to say. The pace and plot of the book were equally amazing because there was never a dull nor un-cute moment, and the pace at which Cat fed us the information was both overwhelming and revealing, but also conserved so that we didn't die of shock!!

As for the characters I loved how the three twins where exactly the same on the outside, but once you got to know them a little you saw how different they really where. I could one minute relate to Ella, and the next relate to Lizzy, and so on. As for the Romance I just couldn't get enough of it.I really felt that Sean and Lizzy where just so adorable together and the way that the author made them first start liking each other and then slowly start falling for each other was done in a way that wasn't to fast (like insta love) nor too slow, but just so right that it made it... believable. Another thing I loved about the "romances" in this book was the whole thing about the three girls only being able to date one guy and two of them having crushed on different ones, and even though this may have been one of my favorite parts of the book I loved how the author didn't make it all about the love, but about the "clones" discovering themselves, who they really where as people, and the truth about their life, and family.

This book made me laugh ate all of the adorable moments, bite my nails as the danger began, and over all it made me feel exited and that was the best of all. I am very happily looking forward to reading more Cat Patrick books!!


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