Monday, October 21, 2013


If you haven't read the first installment in this trilogy I don't know what you have been doing in your life.

We start off this second installment literally right where we left off in the first one ( I love it when books do that! ), and the story takes off from there.

The plot was amazingly well thought through with a steady pace and punchlines where it needed them. Even though this book does end in a shocking cliffhanger that leaves you wondering what the heck is going on, it was very enjoyable and easy to read

A very big thing in this book was character development. Gwen is as witty and sarcastic as ever, but we also see  a new determined and decisive side of her that we didn't know existed as much as her insecure side, that still appears from time to time, but is being less frequent. I also want to take a moment to applaud Gwen for being one of the strongest female character that I have read about in a long time. I don't mean that she is strong in a physical way (quite the contrary) but its the way she handles herself and her surroundings that make her strong.
If I had been in Gwen's place taking all of the criticism that she gets thrown ate her daily, instead of doing whats expected I would have probably broken some noses, bur Gwen does exactly the opposite and swallows down her pride and keeps quiet. Its quite entertaining to see what goes inside her mind when she is forced to keep quiet.
Another character that develops significantly is Lesley. Lesley goes from being just a minor character in Ruby Red to creating an story arc of her own and makes us readers want to know a little more about her and her personal life. I really enjoyed reading about Lesley and Gwen's friendship and every time that Lesley would insult Gideon it would warm my heart.
Do not even get me started about Gideon. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THE GUY!!
One second he declares his love for Gwen and looks sincere and acts like a gentleman, and the next he denies hi love and acts like a douche and hangs out with Charlotte, but then also admits he is in love with Gwen and I am confused by this boy.

An amazing book that will answer some question, but create new ones as well.


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