Thursday, September 26, 2013

THE FALL OF FIVE By Pittacus Lore



I just have to start this review by saying that I was always suspicious of five...I don't was just something about the way he acted that threw me off.
UGH. If anybody could have seen that spoiler coming.....

In this book continue to have the dual points of view which really help the story go forward. Since 99% of the time all the characters are in different places (sounds like a really bad war strategy, but what are you going to do right?).

I really enjoyed the pace that the book had. It neither was too fast or slow, and I am thankful because at some points in the book you have A LOT of things to process and understand, so I am surprised it did not get too confusing.
The dual POV's in the book also really helped since (like I said) the characters are separated most of the time. I am still wondering where six's POV when because I missed her in the book.
As for the characters, well they did develop, but I think we could have seen a little bit more of that if they had been together more...( A LOT of things could have been prevented that way...)

Ugh. I will say this to the day I die. I. HATE. CLIFFHANGERS.
This one better be worth it.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

INSIGNIA By S. J. Kincaid


It had been some time since I had read a book like Insignia...I say this in a good way because I really did end up enjoying it.
One of the things that I really ended up enjoying was that we had a male protagonist, Tom. I am not saying that you never see a male protagonist in Y/A anymore (I can actually can name quite a few), but it has become increasingly more difficult to find a good one. I feel tom was brilliant and entertaining in his own type of way. He was not perfect, and far from being a genius, but he demonstrated that sometimes those things don't really matter.

As for the other characters, they were also very well developed. I was particularly interested in Blackburn. He was the Severus Snape  for this book. Always seeming like the bad guy, putting everyone down, and scheming up diabolical plans against the "good"  side, but once you get to know the reasoning for his behavior you start to not like him, but value him more as an asset to the book.

The one thing that I would have as a complaint for this book is that there are too many conflicts. Now, you might not understand why this is a bad thing because after all this would only add to all of the action included in this book right? well, I complain because its hard to follow the plot of the story if you cant really identify the REAL climax of the story. Will all of the rivalries that Tom face throughout the book they either just suddenly disappear, or a new one appears, or they don't seem major enough to be considered a climax.

I would DEFINITELY read this if you are a fan of Enders Game.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

CREWEL By Gennifer Albin


This book is so amazing you will probably wont understand it. probably.
I say this because of the world that lies behind crewel. The way Gennifer creates this world, weaves it (hehe I made a funny) into a reality that (somewhat) easy for us to understand is both amazing and impressive because of the complexity of it.

I also loved the way that she developed the characters. Whilst never giving too much away she made me feel as if I had been standing next to them throughout the whole book, but it also added a sense of mysteriousness, and suspense because everybody had something to hide.
Even though this is a insta-love kinda book I will vouch for it and (this may be the only time I say this) this is insta-love done right. It doesn't feel too pushy or overwhelming considering the fact that the author didn't reveal much about the characters in her writing (for the mysterious vibe) not even for the narrator herself.

Can I get a PLOT TWIST! no? because it seems that this book was having a sale on them because on every. single. chapter. there is something unexpected!!
It kept the story going really nicely, and Gennifer held back on some major twist so she could drop them at the correct time and it made for a perfect "WOW I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!" kinda moment.

This will leave you craving for more.


Monday, September 16, 2013

THE PROGRAM By Suzanne Young



With a unique and utterly realistic concept the program will send chills down your spine.
The thought of suicide becoming such a huge problem to the point where the government would have to step in to interfere really scared me.

The characters were a bit difficult to get used to at first, but after you really get to read about them more and understand their actions you end up falling for them, screaming when something bad happens to them, crying when they die, and throwing the book across the room in frustrations when something bad happens. (which happened quite a few times).

The plot of the book flowed with ease. Even though we couldn't even fathom what would happen from page to page it all had a sense of order that gave me some sort of  reassurance whilst reading the book.
I will be truthful with you and confess that part1 one of the book was a tad bit boring and slow, but once you get into the midst of things you will end up staying up all night to see what happens next.

The program will leave you wanting more.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

EVE AND ADAM By Michael G. and Katherine A.


I really enjoyed this book. I thought that it was a very unique twist to the whole Adam-created-eve thing, but it also had a nice twist/shocking (not really) ending to it that just made me giggle when I put the book down after finishing it.

The characters where quite enjoyable. Nothing extraordinary, but ya know...normal. (Well apart from the whole eve being a mod thing )
I liked how all of the relationships between the characters where presented and developed. I still don't understand how Solo could fall in love that quickly ( in my opinion), but the again, we didn't get to see his point of view for those parts. We just got to see it after he realized it and accepted it.
My favorite character has to be Eve's best friend Aislin. I loved how bright and outgoing her personality was, and how she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. I also think that she did a great job in portraying the fact that sometimes the tough girls can be broken inside (I may be looking too much into this but I don't care).
One of the more peculiar characters was Adam even though I will admit that I did imagine him as MY perfect boy (physically) I thought he was kinda creepy, and his personality fell short. Creepy because of the whole "I just woke up, AND I LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU CREATED ME" thing just didn't work for me; and the personality thing was because the "perfect boy" isn't just made out of looks.

Anyway, this is an enjoyable read if your not looking for something serious.

perfect sometimes isn't perfect.


Saturday, September 7, 2013

ENCLAVE By Ann Aguirre


hehe one of the reasons that I picked this book up was because the author and I share the same last name....hehe.

The story  was really well executed and believable.The chaos ridden world that Anne created actually scared me sometimes. It made me feel defenseless, weak, and powerless. It was just the way that she described the underground and the topside with all that destruction, and death that really got to me. Also the lack of books really scared me too (for obvious reasons).
The characters were really well planted too. You could really believe and understand all that Deuce did and said. Even though she was so ignorant and clueless sometimes ( About the Fade thing and that just made me want to slap her ) but you still understand it because she grew up in a VERY different world. Even though the awkward ( I don't even know what it is) love...rectangle?.... (lets just call it that for now)  was just confusing and plain dumb sometimes I still enjoyed reading about the characters.

I am eager to know what happens in the sequel and hoe the heck the people survived whatever destroyed the world, so I hope to read book 2 soon!!


Thursday, September 5, 2013


HEY GUYS!! I know I haven't done one of the practically the whole summer, but better late than never!!!

FLAWS By Bastille:

RAT A TAT By Fall out boy:


STARRING ROLE By Marina and the diamonds:

WRECKING BALL By Miley Cyrus (dont judge me):

U.N.I. By Ed Sheeran (the ginger god):


RUN By Daughter:



Wednesday, September 4, 2013



I blame John Green for my ocean of tears. (that is all)

From the first sentences of this book I knew I would fall in love with it ( just as all the people on Tumblr predicted it )

Whilst this style of writing and of narrating has nothing unique in it I still ended up being engaged in this book and so immensely into it that school was no longer of importance.
Maybe what got me so engrossed in it was the fact of the rawness of it. It wasn't one of those books where you could predict the ending to, it wasn't one of those books where all of the characters lived happily ever after, It was one of those books that tells us that life is fair. John made us start to care for the characters. To sympathise with them. To fall for them. To feel their, pain, loss, and grief and make us wish we could take all of it away even though we knew we couldn't, but he made us want to try.

The characters were really enjoyable and easy to understand. (even though sometimes the vocabulary they used exceeded their years) They weren't cliche cancer patient like in other books where they either just drown in self pity, or don't let it faze them, they indulge in a little bit of these two characteristics throughout the book but it doesn't make up their whole character.
The romance between Hazel Grace and Augustus was just perfect. Maybe it wasn't all suffocating (like we see in most books), but it was real. They were not groping each other every 20 seconds, but they laughed together, read together, and dreamed together wich I found just lovely and beautiful.

The world is not a wish granting factory.


EAGLE STRIKE By Anthony Horowitz

Like with every Alex Rider novel Anthony doesn't deprive us of the action, mystery, and evil geniuses that he has been know to create in his previous novels.
In this particular novel we get to see how Alex struggles with life because of his inquiries towards an international pop star because neither MI6 nor his best friend will believe him! (tough life)

This book, like the rest in the series, are packed with the perfect amount of action, suspense, and mystery that every book needs without making it too overwhelming.
The pace in the book is neither too slow nor too fast it is just right ( Goldilocks would have liked this book ). I also liked how Anthony made us believe that Alex had no way out or that he had been defeated because the cliche good-boy-always-wins-without-struggle thing is getting very old. In fact it is not getting old it just died.

The characters also really developed from where we last saw them in POINT BLANK, even though we didn't see much of Sabrina at the time. We saw an interesting relationship build between Alex and Yassen up until the end of the book HAPPENS. (this is a no spoilers post)
One of the characters that I didn't ( and don't ) like too much is Sabrina. From the last book when they "introduced" her to this book I just found her very annoying and flat. I did notice how Anthony tried oh-so-desperately to incorporate her more and give her a little bit more meaning, but I just wasn't feeling it.

A great bedside read that you will most likely fly through in day.


Sunday, September 1, 2013

THE FALSE PRINCE By Jennifer A. Nielsen


enchanted by the synopsis and the intriguing cover I couldn't wait to read The false prince once I had picked it up from the shelf, and I am happy to report it didn't disappoint.

I really liked how Nielsen wrote the whole book. It seemed that she knew exactly how to twist the plot just enough to only have us knowing what she wanted so when the plot twist came around nobody would be expecting it. I am usually good at predicting books, but the twist in this one actually caught me by surprise so, Jennifer, I bow to you.
The characters in the book were also very well built so that we actually had to concentrate on what they were saying and doing to understand them more. It wasn't like one of those books where the characters are just flat and boring.
With witty comments from beginning to end I expect book to to live up to it predecessor. (We shall see)

If you are looking for a book that will make you laugh, feel intrigued, shout, and be surprised then I suggest you grab The false prince now.