Saturday, December 21, 2013




While there is a significant lack of plot and character development "the madman's daughter" does provide for a gory (ish) thrill ride that will probably confuse you a little bit, but once you get the premise of the book it will become easier to read and get through.

The plot was one of my main concerns throughout the novel because well......there is none. I do get that this a retelling of a movie/novel (????) but the entire thing was just stretched out and was just, in a simple word, weak. The entire book was just Juliet whining, thinking about one boy, thinking about the other, running away from a poorly described monster (In my mind it was just a blur), screaming at her father, running back to her father. ugh. It just had no beginning and no end.

One thing worse that the plot was the characters. I feel like they could have so much more potential if we had actually been given a chance to get to know them, they just remained like bodies with faces with no background story. The only things we knew about them is what Juliet would say, and she didn't say much. One example of the poor character development was Edward. I feel like I would have liked him more if we could have learned more about him and his past. I don't mean his real past for obvious reasons, but I just wanted a little more insight on him, as well as the other characters.
 A major thing that annoyed me as well was the poorly built love triangle. I understood why she would be kinda in love with Montgomery, but with Edward.....I just couldn't. They literally just met on the boat and he just instantly followed her around like a puppy and didn't question her when she invited him toward the island. We later on do discover why he didn't question it, but that's literally at the end so throughout the book this bothered me so much. Another thing about the love triangle that irritated me was Juliet's ability to not give a second thought to neither one of the guys. One second she would be thinking about her almost kiss with Montgomery, and one second later she would be thinking about Edwards eyes. CHOOSE WOMAN!

The only thing I will say about the ending was that it was unexpected, and it made me laugh. (I am a horrible human being).

I just have mixed feelings about this ok?


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