Wednesday, July 3, 2013

ONCE IN A FULL MOON By Ellen Scheiber

Once in a Full Moon (Full Moon, #1)

This book may not be the best YA novel I have ever read, or best werewolf YA that I have read for that matter, but in fact it wasn't that bad if you read it not expecting too much.

Some of the reasons that this is not the best book ever is because most of the lines made me cringe.
lines like, "I was a loved struck girl and yet I couldn't control my ridiculous feelings." Witch main character EVER would describe themselves as a love sick person? would YOU eve ever do that?


The plot was pretty normal and predictable too. I mean, we have the typical, Girl who isn't that popular gets with the main jock. They have problems in their relationship because he wasn't all he was cut out to be. Suddenly a mysterious loner/bad boy enters the school, and makes the girl feel different. You can probably fill in the lines to what happens next.

I had problems with almost all of the characters. Nash was too inconsiderate, full of himself, and inconsiderate. Celeste's best friends where mean girls, unthoughtful, and I just couldn't rap my head around why Celeste worshiped them. And Celeste was just and annoying lovesick puppy (witch got VERY ANNOYING).

This is a book to read when you are looking for something to cruise right through, and not expect wonders out of it.


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